spring equinox spells for witches

Spring Witchcraft: Spells and Rituals to Awaken the Season’s Magic

Spring is a time of transformation. The earth starts to awaken, plants push through the soil, and the air pretty much hums with possibility. It’s a season of renewal, fresh starts, and abundant energy—perfect for magickal work! If you’re ready to align with the vibrant pulse of spring, these spells and rituals will help you step into the season with intention.

1. Awakening Spell: A Ritual to Break Free from Winter's Stagnation

Winter can leave us feeling sluggish—physically, mentally, or spiritually. This spell is designed to shake off the lingering heaviness and welcome fresh energy into your life.

You’ll need:

  • A white candle (for new beginnings)
  • A bowl of fresh water (rainwater is good, but tap is fine)
  • A sprig of rosemary (for purification and mental clarity)
  • A small stone (to ground your energy)


  1. Light the candle and take a deep breath, imagining the stagnant energy dissolving.
  2. Hold the rosemary over the water and say or think:
    “As the seasons shift, so do I,
    Stale energy fades, fresh winds rise high.”
  3. Dip the rosemary in the water and gently flick it over your head, shoulders, and hands as a symbolic cleansing.
  4. Hold the stone and set an intention for the season. What do you want to grow, heal, or achieve? Now is the perfect time to state your intentions :-) 
  5. Place the stone somewhere meaningful—your altar, a pocket, or by your bed—to remind you of your renewed energy.

2. Honey & Herb Prosperity Jar Spell

Spring is a time of abundance! Whether you’re seeking financial prosperity, creative inspiration, or success in a new venture, this simple spell will help attract positive opportunities.

You’ll need:

  • A small jar with a lid
  • A spoonful of honey (to “sweeten” your success)
  • A bay leaf (for luck and wishes)
  • Cinnamon stick or ground cinnamon (for prosperity)
  • A coin (to represent wealth)


  1. Write your goal or intention on the bay leaf.
  2. Place the leaf, cinnamon, and coin into the jar.
  3. Drizzle the honey over the ingredients and seal the jar.
  4. Hold it in your hands and say or think something like:
    “Sweet success, steady flow,
    Like the earth, I rise and grow.”
  5. Keep the jar on your altar or near where you work. Shake it gently whenever you need a boost of motivation and luck!

3. Rainwater Blessing for Growth & Protection

Spring rains are powerful tools for magic! Collecting and charging rainwater can be used in spells for growth, protection, and emotional renewal.

How to Use Spring Rainwater:

  • For growth: Water your plants with rainwater while setting an intention for personal growth.
  • For protection: Add a pinch of salt and sprinkle it around your home to cleanse negativity.
  • For emotional healing: Mix rainwater with a few drops of lavender oil and anoint your forehead before meditation.
  • Make a simmer pot using rainwater. This is my favorite way to use rainwater (and moon water, but that's a whole other blog post ;-) ) Use ingredients like cloves, cinnamon, lemon balm, and bay leaves for growth, protection, healing, and amplification.

4. Springtime Shadow Work: Embracing Growth

Spring is often about light, but growth also comes from facing what’s been buried, both literally and figuratively. Shadow work in the spring is about uncovering the parts of yourself that are ready to heal, just like seeds breaking through the soil.

Journal Prompts for Spring Shadow Work:

  • What fears are holding me back from growth?
  • What “weeds” (old habits, limiting beliefs) need clearing from my life?
  • How can I nurture myself as I move into a new season?

Remember, be kind to yourself and practice some self-care after doing Shadow Work. It can be very emotionally taxing!

5. Flower Crown Spell for Confidence & Self-Love

Wearing a crown of flowers isn’t just for aesthetics—it’s an ancient way to align yourself with nature’s energy and embrace your inner power. This spell helps build confidence and self-love.

You’ll need:

  • Fresh or artificial flowers (choose ones with personal meaning)
  • Floral wire or a simple ribbon
  • A mirror


  1. Weave the flowers together into a crown, focusing on self-love with each bloom you add.
  2. As you place it on your head, look into the mirror and say or think something like:
    “I am strong, I am light,
    I bloom with love, I shine so bright.”
  3. Wear the crown as you go about your day or during a self-care ritual to remind yourself of your worth.

6. Spring Equinox Balance Spell

The Spring Equinox is a time of equal day and night, making it perfect for balancing energies in your life.

You’ll need:

  • A black candle (for darkness and introspection)
  • A white candle (for light and growth)
  • A small dish of seeds


  1. Place the two candles side by side and light them at the same time.
  2. Hold the seeds and reflect on what balance means to you.
  3. Say:
    “Light and dark, moon and sun,
    Balance within me, now begun.”
  4. Plant the seeds after the spell to symbolize bringing balance into your daily life. It will be a great reminder each time you see the growing plants/flowers!

7. Bird Feather Message Spell

Spring brings birds back in abundance, and finding a feather can be a sign from the universe. If you come across one, use it in a simple divination spell.


  1. Hold the feather and ask, “What message do you have for me?”
  2. Close your eyes and listen—what thoughts, emotions, or images come to mind?
  3. Write down any insights in your journal. If nothing comes immediately, set the feather on your altar and revisit it later.

Remember, in the USA it is illegal to keep feathers from Protected Bird Species, including hawks, owls, eagles, songbirds, crows, and most backyard birds (cardinals, blue jays, robins, etc.). The law applies regardless of whether the feather was naturally shed or found in the wild. For more information, visit the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.

Final Thoughts: Embrace Spring’s Magic

Spring isn’t just about what’s growing outside—it’s about what’s growing within you! Whether you’re setting new intentions, cleansing old energy, or stepping into fresh confidence, this season is here to support you.

Stay mystical, friends!

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